1. Where to shop?
    Seniorbra is sold exclusively at Seniorbra.com. Be the first to know about new collections, restocks, and more by signing up for emails here www.seniorbra.com
  2. How do I track my order? 

When an order is dispatched, you will receive a confirmation email containing the shipment tracking information. The shipping information will be updated and sent to you once the package arrives at your local airport (due to system reasons, shipping information is not updated to you immediately during the time).

Still haven’t received your tracking info?

Check your spam folder-it can get stuck in there sometimes.

If you already have a Seniorbra login, you can also find your tracking number there.

Still not seeing it? Don’t worry--just contact our customer team and they will investigate.

3. How do I change or cancel an order?

You are suggested to change or cancel your order by our customer support team before the order is processed. If you miss this grace period, no worries! We are committed to providing satisfying after-sales service. Please contact us, and we guarantee to offer the best scheme to you with the most efficiency. If you want to change your order, you can place a new order to ensure that you receive it as soon as possible.

4. What can I do if haven’t received the delivered package as expected?

First, double-check your shipping address on your ordering information.

Second, check the area where the carrier would have left it.

Third, check for a notice of attempted delivery on your tracking link. Or you can call the carrier with your tracking information.

Give it a little more time. Some shipping carriers may scan items as delivered prior to arrival. Thanks for your patience.

5. What happens if my package is lost or stolen?

Once your item is shipped, Seniorbra is not liable for lost or stolen package. Please contact us if you have not received your delivered order or it has been lost in transit by the carrier and we would be happy to assist.

6. How do I apply my discount code?

At the end of the payment page, you will find a box to enter your discount code. After filling in the promotion code, you can click “Apply”, then your total amount will be updated.

Only one promo code per order is allowed.